Curriculum vitae
since 08/2020: Associate Professor of Digitization, Innovation and Intellectual Property, University of Lausanne, HEC, Switzerland
since 01/2022: Director of the Ph.D. Program in Management
06/2019-08/2020: Senior Research Associate, ETH Zurich, Center for Law and Economics, Switzerland
09/2017-08/2020: Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Management, Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics, Portugal
02/2014-09/2017: Senior Research Associate, Chair for Entrepreneurship, University of Zurich, Switzerland
03/2011-01/2014: Research and Teaching Assistant, Institute for Strategy, Technology and Organization, LMU Munich, Germany
09/2009-03/2011: Research and Teaching Assistant, Institute of Economic Policy, Ulm University, Germany
Research Fellow at ETH Zurich, Center for Law and Economics , Zurich, Switzerland
DIW Research Fellow (Department of Firms and Markets), Berlin, Germany
CESifo Research Network Affiliate, Munich, Germany
CREATe Fellow, UK Copyright and Creative Economy Centre, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Research visits
ifo Institute, Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies, Munich, Germany (07/2021), with Anna Kerkhof
ETH Zurich, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Zurich, Switzerland (07/2018-10/2018), with Antonio Russo
Northeastern University, Economics Department, Boston, USA (11/2016, 01/2017, 08/2017), with Imke Reimers
Hunter College at CUNY, Economics Department, New York, USA (07/2013, 08/2014, 02/2015, 01/2016, 04/2016), with Lisa George
ZEW Mannheim, Digital Economy Research Group, Mannheim, Germany (2009, 2010), with Irene Bertschek
03/2011-05/2014: Doctor oeconomiae publicae (equivalent to PhD; summa cum laude), LMU Munich, Germany
Advisors: Tobias Kretschmer, Dietmar Harhoff
03/2011-05/2013: Master of Business Research, LMU Munich, Germany
Stefan Bechtold, Center for Law and Economics, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Stefano Brusoni, Department of Management, Technology, and Economics, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Dietmar Harhoff, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich, Germany
Tobias Kretschmer, Institute for Strategy, Technology and Organization, LMU Munich, Germany
Catherine Tucker, MIT Sloan School of Management, MIT, USA
Joel Waldfogel, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, USA
Grants and Scholarships
2024: Swiss National Science Foundation Grant for reduction of teaching commitments (CHF 24,000)
2024: Swiss National Science Foundation Research Grant for "Digital Market Regulation: Monitoring Enforcement and Evaluating Outcomes" (CHF 1,147,468), Co-PI with Stefan Bechtold
2024: Swiss National Science Foundation Grant for Conference (CHF 20,000), via Stefan Bechtold
2023: Bridge funding from Enterprise for Society Center for "Welfare Effects of Sustainability Information in E-Commerce" (CHF 2,500), with Reinhold Kesler, Sabina Tomkins and Amit Zac
2023: Swiss National Science Foundation Grant for Conference (CHF 10,000), with Giorgio Zanarone
2023: Congressi Stefano Franscini Grant for Conference (CHF 17,000), with Stefan Bechtold and Florencia Marotta-Wurgler
2022: HEC Lausanne Teaching Grant for "Innovation in Learning with 3D" (CHF 18,000), with Rafael Lalive and Tobias Schlager
2020: Swiss National Science Foundation Research Grant for "Data Economy: Innovation, Organization, Regulation" (CHF 794,164), PI, Project website
2018: Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology Research Grant (EU H2020, EUR 238,894), Co-PI with Miguel Godinho de Matos
2016: University of Zurich Graduate Campus Grant (CHF 10,000), with Juliane Lischka and Paolo Bizzozero
2015: German Economic Association and German National Bank, Grant for Presentation at International Conferences
2014: NET Institute Summer Grant (USD 3,000), with Lisa M. George
2013: NBER Economics of Digitization and Copyright Initiative Research Grant (USD 15,000), with Jörg Claussen and Tobias Kretschmer
2011: German Economic Association and Swiss National Bank, Grant for Presentation at International Conferences
2008: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarship
2024: INFORMS Annual Meeting, Best Paper Award Information Systems Society Cluster, with Florian Abeillon, Franziska Kaiser, Jérémie Haese and Alexander Staub
2022: Strategy Science Conference, Best Paper Award, with Annamaria Conti and Maria Roche
2021: Management Science, Meritorious Service Award as Reviewer
2019: Workshop on Information Systems and Economics (WISE), Overall Best Paper Award, with Jörg Claussen and Ananya Sen
2014: LMU Management Alumni Dissertation Award
Professional Activities and Services
Special Issue Associate Editor at Management Information Systems Quarterly, Associate Editor at Information Economics and Policy
Associate Editor for ICIS (2019, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2024, 2025) and ECIS (2020)
Co-Organizer of Virtual Digital Economy Seminar (2020-2023)
Reviewer for Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Perspectives, American Economic Review, Applied Economics Letters, Business & Information Systems Engineering, Cambridge University Press, Communications of the ACM, Economic Inquiry, Empirica, European Journal of Law and Economics, European Management Review, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Information Economics and Policy, Information Systems Research, Informs Journal on Computing, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Applied Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Cultural Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and Electronic Commerce Law, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of Media Business Studies, Journal of Strategy and Business, Labor Economics, Leadership Quarterly, Management Information Systems Quarterly, Management Science, Marketing Science, Organization Science, Review of Industrial Organization, Review of Network Economics, Research Policy, Schmalenbach Business Review, Strategic Management Journal, Strategy Science, Technology in Society, Technovation, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy
Reviewer for European Research Council, Swiss National Science Foundation, Czech Science Foundation, National Science Center Poland, Israel Science Foundation, Hi!Paris - Artificial Intelligence for Society Center
Member of the Organizing Committee / Track Organizer: Mapping and Governing the Online World (2024), Lausanne Management and Economics Workshop (2024, 2025), Munich Summer Institute (2023, 2024, 2025), Digital Economy Workshop Lausanne (2023), Track Organizer for International Conference on Information Systems (Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2022, 2023), Track Organizer for Applied Machine Learning Days (2022, 2024), ISDAEB Workshop (2022), Area Organizer for European Association of Law and Economics Annual Conference (2020), Media and Digitization Meeting Zurich (2019), Digital Economy Workshop Lisbon (2019), Media Economics Workshop Zurich (2016), Management and Economics of ICT Conference Munich (2012)
Students and Postdocs
since 2023: Alexander Staub (Postdoc in Data Economy Project)
since 2021: Anthi Kiouka (PhD Student, co-supervision with Tobias Schlager)
since 2021: Jérémie Haese (PhD Student in Data Economy Project)
since 2020: Franziska Kaiser (PhD Student)
until 2022: Erdem Dogukan Yilmaz (former Postdoc in Data Economy Project, currently Assistant Professor at INSEAD, before at Rotterdam School of Management)
until 2021: Margaritha Windisch (former RA, currently PhD Student at ETH Zürich)
until 2021: Ilia Azizi (former RA, currently PhD Student at HEC Lausanne)
until 2021: Martin Quinn (former Postdoc in DigiCreation Project at Católica-Lisbon, currently Assistant Professor at Rotterdam School of Management)
Conferences and Invited Seminars (* indicates presentation by co-author)
2025: Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisbon Portugal (Apr), LiaNs Seminar University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Spain (Apr), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Netherlands (Feb), Technical University of Dresden, Dresden Germany (Jan), Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-58), Kailua-Kona United States (Jan)
2024: Law and Economics of Generative AI and Copyright Workshop, Weizenbaum Institute TU Berlin, Berlin Germany (Nov), Cambridge University, Cambridge UK (Nov), Economics of AI Conference*, IESE Madrid Spain (Nov) , CESifo Economics of Digitization*, Munich Germany (Oct), UNCTAD CSTD Workshop on Data Governance Principles, Online (Sep), Wharton Business and Gen AI Conference*, San Francisco USA (Sep), Academy of Management Annual Conference*, Chicago USA (Aug), Open and User Innovation Conference (OUI)*, Boston, USA (Aug), NBER Summer Institute (Digital Economics and Artificial Intelligence)*, Boston USA (Jul), MaCCI/JRC Workshop on Digital Economics*, Mannheim Germany (Jun), Mapping and Governing the Online World Conference, Ascona Switzerland (Jun), Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research SCECR 2024*, Lisbon Portugal (Jun), Plamadiso Seminar (Weizenbaum Institute, TU Berlin), Online (May), European Marketing Academy Annual Conference*, Bucharest Romania (May), International Industrial Organization Society Conference*, Boston USA (May), UNESCO OER Dynamic Coalition Webinar on Copyright in the Age of Emerging Technologies, Online (Apr), Harvard Business School Digital Competition and Tech Regulation Conference, Boston USA (Apr), Digital Economy Workshop*, Rotterdam Netherlands (Mar), ETH Center for Law and Economics (Mar), Technis Web Seminar, Online (Feb)
2023: Indian Business School IS Seminar, Online (Dec), UNCTAD Data for Development Intersessional Panel, Lisbon Portugal (Nov), Zurich IP Retreat, Zurich Switzerland (Sep), Strategic Management Society Annual Congress*, Toronto Canada, Academy of Management Annual Conference (PDW on Interdisciplinary Conversations on Platforms: Strategic Roles of Digital Resources; Paper Presentation*), Boston USA (Aug), ZEW ICT Conference*, Mannheim Germany (Jul), DRUID Conference*, Lisbon Portugal (Jun), Strategy Science Conference*, Munich Germany (Jun), European Marketing Academy Annual Conference*, Odense Denmark (May), Munich Summer Institute*, Munich Germany (May), Amsterdam Business School (Panelist in Paper Development Workshop), Amsterdam Netherlands (May), GSU CEAR-Finance Conference*, Atlanta USA (May), Esade Strategy and Entrepreneurship Seminar Series, Barcelona Spain (Apr), Tilburg University Information Systems Department Seminar, Tilburg Netherlands (Apr), Paris Conference on Digital Economics*, Paris France (Mar), Digital Economy Workshop, Lausanne Switzerland (Mar), Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse France (Jan)
2022: Workshop on Information Systems and Economics WISE*, Copenhagen Denmark (Dec), Economics of the Music Industry Conference*, Hamburg Germany (Dec), CESifo Economics of Digitization, Munich Germany (Nov), MIT Conference on Digital Experimentation*, Boston USA (Oct), CREATe Copyright Evidence Conference, Glasgow UK (Oct), AI + Economics Workshop, Zurich Switzerland (Oct), Summer School for Data & Algorithms on ST&I Studies*, Leuven Belgium (Sep), University of Arizona MIS Seminar at Eller College, Online (Sep), Monash-Warwick-Zurich Text-as-Data Workshop, Online (Sep), European Lawyers' Union (UAE) Annual Congress, Porto Portugal (Jul), Marketing Science Conference*, Chicago USA and Online (Jun), Munich Summer Institute*, Munich Germany (Jun), Strategy Science Conference*, New York USA (Jun), Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research SCECR 2022*, Madrid Spain (Jun), European Marketing Academy Conference*, Budapest Hungary (May), International Industrial Organization Society Conference*, Boston USA (May), Wharton/Columbia Management, Analytics, and Data Conference*, New York City USA (May), ICEA Wealth of Nations in the Post-Covid Era Conference, Online (Apr), University of Bremen Diginomics Seminar, Online (Apr), Digital Economy Workshop*, Norwich UK (Mar), McCombs School at UT Austin, Online (Mar), Plamadiso Seminar (Weizenbaum Institute, TU Berlin), Online (Feb)
2021: University of Vienna, Online (Dec), CESifo Economics of Digitization, Online (Nov), Copenhagen Business School, Online (Nov), Federal Communications Commission Economics Seminar, Online (Sep), NBER Summer Institute* (Economics of Digitization), Online (Jul), Platform Strategy Research Symposium, Online (Jul), Association of Cultural Economics International Conference*, Online (Jul), Munich Summer Institute*, Online (Jun), ZEW ICT Conference*, Online (Jun), International Industrial Organization Society Conference*, Online (May), Strategy Science Conference, Online (Apr), Copenhagen Business School, Online (Apr), Harvard Business School, Online (Apr), Cultural Economics Online Seminar, Online (Apr), University of Bologna, Online (Feb), Platforms as Organizational Forms Seminar LMU Munich, Online (Feb), NBER Industrial Organization Meeting*, Online (Feb), Wake Forest University, Online (Feb), NYC Media Seminar, Online (Feb), University of Minnesota Carlson, Online (Jan), ifo Institute Munich Digital Transformation and Innovation Seminar, Online (Jan), ASSA Annual Meeting, Online (Jan)
2020: CESifo Economics of Digitization*, Online (Nov), Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics - EALE, Online (Sep), Workshop on the Economics of Privacy and Data Labor, Online (Jul), NBER Summer Institute (Economics of Digitization), Online (Jul), International Industrial Organization Conference, Philadelphia USA (May - canceled), Seminar on the Economics of Communications and Media, Florence Italy (Mar - canceled), NBER Economics of Digitization Meeting*, Stanford USA (Mar), Digital Economy Workshop, Tel Aviv Israel (Mar), Rotterdam School of Management, Rotterdam Netherlands (Feb), CREATe Public Lecture, Glasgow Scotland (Feb)
2019: Workshop on Information Systems and Economics WISE*, Munich Germany (Dec), University of Lausanne, Lausanne Switzerland (Dec), KU Leuven, Leuven Belgium (Dec), ZEW Research Seminar, Mannheim Germany (Nov), CESifo Economics of Digitization, Munich Germany* (Nov), MIT Conference on Digital Experimentation*, Boston USA (Oct), Media and Digitization Meeting, Zurich Switzerland (Oct), CIST, Seattle USA* (Oct), Paris Seminar on the Economics of Digitization, Paris France (Oct), Media Economics Workshop, Braga Portugal* (Oct), University of Santa Clara Leavey, Santa Clara USA (Oct), University of Southern California Marshall, Los Angeles USA (Sep), University of Liechtenstein (Aug), Entertainment Analytics Conference, Los Angeles USA (Aug), Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research SCECR 2019, Hong Kong China (Jun), Workshop on "The Economics of AI and Data"*, European Commission, Brussels Belgium (May), Digital Economy Workshop, Católica-Lisbon, Lisbon Portugal (Mar), University of Zurich, Zurich Switzerland (Mar), ETH Zurich, Zurich Switzerland (Feb), ASSA Annual Meeting*, Atlanta USA (Jan)
2018: CESifo Economics of Digitization, Munich Germany* (Nov), EPFL, Lausanne Switzerland (Nov), MIT Conference on Digital Experimentation*, Boston USA (Oct), Media Economics Workshop, Lecce Italy (Oct), Mallen Filmed Entertainment Conference, Berlin Germany (Sep), University of Melbourne, Melbourne Australia (Aug), KOF ETH, Zurich Switzerland (Aug), Munich Summer Institute, Munich Germany (Jun), EU Joint Research Center, Seville Spain (May), International Industrial Organization Conference, Indianapolis USA (Apr), EU Commission, Brussels Belgium (Mar), Seminar on the Economics of Communications and Media, Florence Italy (Mar), NBER Digitization Winter Meeting*, Stanford USA (Mar), Digital Economics Conference, Toulouse France (Jan)
2017: CESifo Economics of Digitization, Munich Germany (Nov), DIW Research Seminar, Berlin Germany (Oct), Media Economics Workshop, Barcelona Spain (Oct), Northeastern University, Boston USA (Jul), Searle Conference on Internet Search and Innovation*, Chicago USA (Jun), Workshop on the Economics of Network Industries, Paris France (May), International Industrial Organization Conference*, Boston USA (Apr), Workshop on “The economics of data ownership, access and trade”, European Commission, Brussels Belgium (Mar), Seminar on the Economics of Communications and Media, Florence Italy (Mar), Conference on The Economics of Intellectual Property, Software and the Internet, Toulouse France (Jan), ASSA Annual Meeting, Chicago USA (Jan)
2016: INFORMS Annual Meeting (Session Organizer), Nashville USA (Nov), German Economic Association (VfS) Annual Conference, Augsburg Germany (Sep), Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, Düsseldorf Germany (Jun), Munich Summer Institute, Munich Germany (Jun), Workshop on the Economics of Network Industries, Paris France (May), International Industrial Organization Conference, Philadelphia USA (Apr), Seminar on the Economics of Communications and Media, Florence Italy (Mar)
2015: Media Economics Workshop, Stellenbosch South Africa (Nov), Telecom ParisTech SES Workshop (Oct), EARIE Annual Conference, Munich Germany (Aug), ZEW ICT Conference, Mannheim Germany (Jun), Searle Conference on Internet Search and Innovation, Chicago USA (Jun), Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics Annual Congress, Basel Switzerland (Jun), International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston USA (Apr), Workshop on the Economics of ICT, Evora Portugal (Apr), Seminar on the Economics of Communications and Media, Florence Italy (Mar)
2014: Applied Micro Workshop, Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse France (Nov), Media Economics Workshop, Naples Italy (Oct), German Economic Association (VfS) Annual Conference, Hamburg Germany (Sep), EARIE Annual Conference, Milan Italy (Aug), NBER Summer Institute (Economics of IT and Digitization), Boston USA (Jul), ZEW ICT Conference, Mannheim Germany (Jun), European Commission IPTS, Information Society Unit, Seville Spain (Jun), Searle Conference on Internet Search and Innovation, Chicago USA (Jun), International Industrial Organization Conference, Chicago USA (Apr), Seminar on the Economics of Communications and Media, Florence Italy (Mar), Workshop on “Digital Media and the Modernisation of Copyright in the EU”, European Commission, Brussels Belgium (Mar), Workshop on the Economics of Network Industries*, Paris France (Jan)
2013: IIIrd Management and Economics of ICT Conference, Munich Germany (Oct), Media Economics Workshop*, Tel Aviv Israel (Oct), Dept. of Innovation and Organizational Economics, Copenhagen Business School Denmark (Sep), German Economic Association (VfS) Annual Conference, Düsseldorf Germany (Sep), University of Zurich, Zurich Switzerland (Jun), ZEW ICT Conference*, Mannheim Germany (Jun), Experience the Creative Economy Conference, Toronto Canada (Jun), European Commission IPTS, Information Society Unit, Seville Spain (May), International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston USA (May), MaCCi Annual Conference, Mannheim Germany (Feb)
2012: Marketing Science Conference*, Boston USA (June), International Industrial Organization Conference*, Arlington USA (Mar)
2011: INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte USA (Nov), Technology Transfer Society Annual Meeting, Augsburg Germany (Sep), Institute for the World Economy, Kiel Germany (Jun), ZEW ICT Conference, Mannheim Germany (Jun)
2010: INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin USA (Nov), ICT and Economic Growth Conference, Munich Germany (Nov), Institute for the World Economy, Kiel Germany (Sep), ZEW ICT Conference, Mannheim Germany (Jun), EUNIP Conference, Reus Spain (Jun), Conference on Industrial Dynamics, Innovation Policy and Growth, Izmir Turkey (May)